3/9 ~ 3/22 Biweekly Update
This is a report for our community. If you would like to learn more about Metaverse Pets, please read this story first:
- English Version: About Metaverse Pets.
- 中文版: 關於 Metaverse Pets
Community Status
The Sales from our collection
- volume traded: 4.1 ETH
In these two weeks, we sold 2 NFTs from our early sales! Thank you so much for being our early supporters!
You will be our early supporters if you own NFTs in early sales! You will receive another NFT as a gift that we appreciate your early support when we launch Public Sales. Moreover, you might be the lucky winner for the King of Metaverse Pets if you are one of the owners of 001~050 Metaverse Pets. You might be the lucky winner for the Queen of Metaverse Pets if you are one of the owners of 001 ~ 100! The airdrop event will be announced when we sell out the first 50 NFTs and 100 NFTs in our Twitter and Discord community. The price in the early sales is lower than the Public Sales, and only 27 NFTs are remaining. Please don’t miss out!
🔗 Early Sales: https://opensea.io/MetaverseArtisan
Activity Event & Recap
寵物大講堂 (Pet’s Talks)
We are welcome for pet lovers to join our community. To gather more people who love pets, we are starting a new event for our Chinese community. It starts from the Chinese community because I am familiar with the pet environment in my country. However, we will have courses in different communities in different languages if there are more people joined from the world.
3/13 與 3/20 我們完成了寵物大講堂第一個系列的最後兩堂課,主題分別是「科學測量——寵物的情緒與認知」與「精神醫學——寵物也會得憂鬱症嗎?」,課程在直播期間為免費參與,並且可以即時與講師互動並詢問問題,回看功能則僅提供給持有 Metaverse Pets NFT 的成員。
🔗 https://opensea.io/MetaverseArtisan
📌 好處:
⭐️ 持有首發創作作品,則在第二階段可以獲得相同數量的 NFT 空投
⭐️ 當 001 ~ 050 由 MetaverseArtisan 全數售出時,將抽出其中一個持有地址空投國王 NFT
⭐️ 當 001 ~ 100 由 MetaverseArtisan 全數售出時,將抽出其中一個持有地址空投皇后 NFT
⭐️ 寵物大講堂課程內容無限回看
下一個寵物大講堂的系列為「主子聽我說!貓狗行為訓練系列講座」,預計將於 4/17 開講!
🔗 加入 DC 社群參與直播課程: https://discord.com/invite/c8BgyUNsJz
Three members qualify for the whitelist. Congratulations!
Free Mint
- DebbY#4524
50% off mint
- 東尼大木 |#3006
- 太陽#1769
What’s the next?
- Redesign our official website for Phase 2 and 3.
- Plan for the next series of Pet’s talks.
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🔗 Official Links 🔗
Website: https://metaversepets-nft.com/
OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/metaverse-pets
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetaversePets
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metaversepets.game.nft/